Rock Climbing in Slovenia

From first step to the top

There are numerous rock climbing routes in the Slovenian Alps.

The best routes for you will depend on your experience level, preferred type of climbing, and other factors. 

Here are a few popular ones that you may want to consider: 

Vršič Pass 

This area has a variety of routes for all levels of climbers, and the scenery is breathtaking. 

Kamnik-Savinja Alps

This area has a number of excellent climbing areas, including the popular Kamnik Saddle. 

Martuljek Group 

This is a popular destination for climbers who enjoy technical climbing on limestone rock. 

Triglav North Face

The most famous wall in the country is simply called Stena, which translates: 

The Wall.

Choose your level to find a perfect route for you:


Zeleniške Špice - II

Normalna smer na Visoki Rokav - III

Potočnik - Tominšek, Spodnji Rokav - III

Severni raz, Mala Mojstrovka - IV

Virens, Kogel - IV


DKV, Veliki Draški Vrh - V

GG - Vežica - V+

Trikot, Dolgi Hrbet - VI

Zupanova, Kogel, VI

Spominska smer Tomaža Ažmana - Veliki Draški Vrh - VI


Herletova, Ojstrica - VI+

Aschenbrenner, Travnik - VI+

Parižanka, Debela peč - VI+

Tik Pred Dvanajsto, Vežica - VII

Gorska Roža - 7b